

1. Add Boatswain’s GPG key

rpm --import http://repo.boatswain.io/boatswain-signing.gpg.asc

2. Verify the key (Optional)

There should be a key named as gpg-pubkey-bc51c54b-5e10576d

rpm -qa gpg-pubkey*

3. Add the Boatswain yum repository

echo -e "[boatswain]\nname = Boatswain\nbaseurl = http://repo.boatswain.io/packages/yum" > /etc/yum.repos.d/boatswain.repo

4. Update the yum repository

yum check-update

5. Check the Boatswain version (Optional)

yum info boatswain

6. Install Boatswain

yum install boatswain

7. Setup the Boatswain account token

You could find your Boatswain account token on the web portal Settings -> Token. Request for an beta account first if you don’t have one yet.

Insert the token at the /etc/boatswain.yml.

# Please register and get the token from https://app.boatswain.io/
token: token_here
# Period is the collection time interval of the host and docker metrics.
# CPU load could be reduced by using longer period.
#   - short   = 10s
#   - default = 30s
#   - long    = 60s
period: default
# Send Log is the flag which determines if you would like to send the docker
# container logs to Boatswain.
#   - true
#   - false
send_log: true

8. Start Boatswain

systemctl start boatswain